Second semester of the two-semester sequence MATH 101-102. Seminar times will be arranged during the first week of classes.
Date created
25th Oct 2017
Last updated
25th Oct 2017
Second semester of the two-semester sequence MATH 101-102. Seminar times will be arranged during the first week of classes.
We at SBSM have taken this difficult time in our stride and to ensure that learning continues, we have created a Share Point Folder for each grade. Educators have planned work per phase per subject in separate folders, these folders will be updated on the Share Point link regularly, so kindly keep checking the link. The educators will provide more clarity via d6 / WhatsApp.
School will be closed as from the 18 March to 13 April 2020. The planned date of return is 14 April 2020.
To slow down the spread of Covid-19, we urge you to exercise social distancing. Let’s fight this fight together and pray for all. Please take care of yourself and our children.